INNOVAMOS EN MARCAS PREMIUM, S.L., (“SYLEXGIN”) on its own account or that of a third party contracted to provide analysis, advertising or interaction services, uses cookies when the User browses the website and its subdomains (hereinafter, “the Website”).

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the User’s computer when accessing certain websites, allowing them, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of the User or its equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize a User.

The cookies used by this Web Site, as well as their purpose are described below:

Navigation Cookies: these are those that, treated by SYLEXGIN, allow the User to log in so that they can browse the Website without having to enter their data continuously and allow us to provide the service requested by the User as well as a personalized browsing experience.
Persistent analysis cookies (Google/Universal Analytics, Google Adwords, etc.): These cookies, processed by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users, analyze their browsing behavior and perform statistical analysis of the use made by users of our services. To do this, your browsing on our Web Site is analyzed in order to improve the browsing experience and the services we offer. The data obtained through this type of cookies will remain stored in the User’s terminal and can be treated in each access of the same to the Web Site until the expiration of the cookies or the User deletes them.
Persistent behavioral advertising cookies These are those that, treated by third parties, allow us to manage and measure the effectiveness of third-party advertising to our Website as well as provide information on the User’s browsing habits on our Website to the advertising network in order to show advertising according to their browsing, allowing the creation of a specific profile.
Persistent Cookies of interaction These are those that, treated by third parties, allow us to interact with our users in a personalized and instantaneous way via a contact form and a chat service.

In relation to third party cookies, we suggest that you consult your website for additional information on such cookies.

The User can manage cookies through their browser settings. We invite you to consult the help section of your browser for more information on how to manage cookies (delete, not accept new cookies, be notified in case of new cookie etc.).

By continuing to browse the Website, you accept the installation of the cookies indicated. In this sense, “continue browsing” means clicking on any button, check box or link on the Website, scrolling, as well as downloading any content offered on the Website.

Last update: May 01, 2022

The Original Elixir

Distilled in small batches in copper pot stills,
it is a unique combination of traditional citrus and local botanicals.
